In the last week, we got the orders from McMaster and Dell Fastener in. We still need to order bearings, motors, and electronics, as well as a few other things.
There was a lot of discussion about how to proceed. One of the big things was what to do about the problem of engineering drawings. Adam suggested that it was probably worthwhile for us to do our own drawings and assembly for two reasons: First, it gives us a better understanding of how the C-Rap goes together, and second, it allows us to be more consistent in our construction and modification of future versions. Those of us with access to a CAD package will start working on that over the next two weeks.
Once we got that out of the way, we broke up into groups: a few of the guys went down to the dungeon and cut the threaded stud and rod to size,

a few started cutting out corner vertices (we decided that we were going to make as many parts as possible out of MDF)

and Devin started looking at making real parts out of these pesky STL files.

Now that we have an idea what needs to happen for each part we make by hand, I think it will go a bit faster.
The next meeting will be on March 1st. Same time, Same place.
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